I n s p i r a t i o n shall be the name of the game this week.

I feel like I'm so easily inspired. I feel like I can get a great idea from the slightest thing. & I am darn happy about it. Over the past 2 years or so, I have really relied on YouTube. What for? To draw inspiration of course.
When I longed to go back to skating about three years ago, I felt so lost. Here I was, after a seven year break of perhaps stepping on the ice just a few times, wanting to go back to do what the big dogs of skating do. The first time going back on the ice was so shaky. I had to learn how to glide correctly again and relearn the easiest of jumps. I could not even do a backspin. I was disappointed. I was officially a "washed up" skater, as my mom would call them.
I turned to YouTube. Here I would type in skaters I had admired for the years I had not been skating. I had never been a Michelle Kwan fan, she was too safe, and although she held consistency in her power, I didn't enjoy her skating overall. The name found in the YouTube search box would always be that of Sasha Cohen. The fierce, flexible, skater who was all over the board when it came to jumps, but when she was on she was ON. Her style is to be admired. Her skating literally has INSPIRED me to be better and work harder. After watching clip after clip and program after program, I feel like some of her power can be found in my skating. Although you will not find the technicality in my possession. Sometimes I like to think form, expression, speed, and grace override the ability to do jumps. I am forever grateful for YouTube.
I could not be more excited that she is going for the 2010 games. I want her to get a gold medal.
After I started skating and getting more and more into it again, the desire to do ballet starting tapping on my shoulder. This was a hoot. When I was a young girl, I HATED ballet. So boring. But it was the way they moved, the control they had over their bodies, ballerinas had the flexibility that I longed for.
I was never flexible, but always thought it to be a cool ability. After watching rhythmic gymnastics and ballet on YouTube, I was able to see form and flexibility at it's finest and it did nothing else but inspire me to be better. I feel like I am one of those people (like most others I'm sure) that if I watch something enough I can do it myself. I stretched 2 times a day, starting practicing the ballet that I would see in the videos and pushed myself to get better. I would watch these videos of both ballet and skating over and over until I was able to perhaps transcend what they were doing onto the ice or behind the ballet bar. It seems lame, but it has worked for me.
Two sports I thought I would never touch again have grown to be some of my biggest passions in life. Although, most times I feel like I am WAY too late to pursue anything with these sports. But I lately have been feeling like my desires to succeed an perhaps override my age blunder. A 21 year old ballerina just learning the real tricks of the trade? Sure! Why not. I perhaps should learn not to harbor so much pessimism in the sports, yes THE SPORTS, that I LOVE. After all, IDID get a fortune in a cookie the other day that said "Participation in sports may lead you to a lucrative career". I shall take that as a good sign.
Some videos that helped me get to where I am today. Enjoy!
5) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kh3iW4I39DI -although not consistent, a beautiful, emotional program.
4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a26-42k2LhY&feature=related
5) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0xjoPIZem0&feature=related YAY! Perfect :)
5) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0xjoPIZem0&feature=related YAY! Perfect :)
Its a bit of a link overload, but hopefully you checked out atleast one from each group. They are all amazing dancers, gymnasts, and skaters.
Where do YOU get YOUR inspiration?!