I'm sorry, that was the most I could come up with for my intro. A lot has gone on, while at the same time it feels as if nothing has gone on. I'm back at my parents house which is an adjustment. Which is odd, because I was only away from living within this establishment for almost two years time, which is not that significant. It's also weird to think of yourself as needing to adjust into a house in which you grew up in, but the things you grow accustomed to doing outside of your parents roof is hard to adjust out of once you get back living there. Nothing bad, per say, but just small habits you found yourself doing that may not have gone over so hot while rooming with your rents.
Although, I have to say that 2012 is going rather well. I seem to have melted into a stable environment and I can't say anything bad about that. I find myself riding along rather complacently down the old streets and it almost feels like I never left. So this whole jumble of "re-adjustment" and "feeling right at home" are merging, but the end result isn't so bad.
I've created my room to my hearts content and find myself happily in one of the largest bedrooms of the household. My counterpart has come over and "hooked" up my room with all the proper electronics I require (I know, I hate myself for it too) and now I feel pretty good in my own little space. I now find my time spent much differently. I've been a crocheting fool as well as spending time delving into my old tunes on my iPod I found while packing up the other house. My little nook is rather eclectic and I wouldn't have it any other way.
My friend mentioned that this whole 'Parents for roommates' situation is kind of like a re-set button on me figuring out my life. Mostly because I sort of feel like I'm in high school again without all the silly rules. My parents are doing what they can to make the adjustment easy...or something. It's the biggest drag in the world trying to conjure up a plan for yourself. Okay, I guess it's not "the biggest drag" but sometimes it seems pretty damn awful. There are a billion things I want to do. Settling on a few routes seems horrid. I want to perform or promote the hell out of something I believe it. Most importantly, I need to C R E A T E. It is vital to my existence. I need to keep getting inspired to the bone. Needless to say, I am enjoying being 10 minutes away from friends and a glorious 15 minute drive away from work. That gives me adequate time to sing about four Florence songs, or maybe just the same one four times over?
Here are some pictures to sum up my life that has occurred over the past few weeks:
Yep. I look like a Brooks Brothers wife.
I have dyed my hair red. It was time for a change.
If I'm making adjustments, it's likely my hair is going to have to do the same thing.
I actually really like it, yet was terrified because red is the only colour I have not done myself.
I am no stranger to box dye and typically have fabulous luck with it, but I wasn't sure how this would go.
Needless to say, I hope I will stay red for awhile, the best part is that I still feel like myself.
When I've had black/brunette hair in the past... I just feel odd.
I also feel like this hair colour requires a whole different look. Everything needs a collar.
I got a custom order to do a voodoo doll on a cookie.
I was so amped because I love doing weird shit like this on cookies!
Recent cookies I did, cupcake cookies. Gets me every time.
I took a sushi class at Sur La Table with one of my best friends, Meredith.
Her mom had gotten her the class for Christmas and had paid for a friend to take the class.
We ended up eating a making a ton more than I anticipated.
The rolls we made were: California, Spicy Tuna, Rainbow (shown above), and a handroll using Eel which is featured below. Everything was absolutely delicious.
I just made this hat the other day.
Crocheting has been a big part of my life lately, especially because I found a goldmine of my old yarn within my parents house. It's rather exhilarating.
In the past few weeks I've gone ahead and decided to open up a little Etsy shoppe
Seriously. A crocheting fool is who I be!!

Let's just say I was way into this outfit in recent days.
I literally think everything in this outfit is thirfted minus the boots and socks.
I love the sweater, but the skirt is the real gem. I thrifted it brand new for $12 and it was $150.00 initially.
I scored this Pendleton coat in the Portland Goodwill.
When I tried it on, about 5 people came up to me and told me I must purchase it.
So I paid $50 for the originally marked $300 brand new coat and walked out revved.
This was when I initially got it and couldn't even wait to be pictured downtown wearing it...
I know. whataloser.
Sometimes I feel like my pictures sum it up best versus me trying to come up with words to describe the past month. Hopefully I can keep up with this sucker. I hope you guys have been keeping it as real!
so glad you guys had fun making sushi! I know mere had a blast, and you guys were able to eat soooo much of it. always a bonus! too bad you couldnt take any of it home!
Mere mentioned you living at home, and i asked her if you had your old bedroom...she said no....I was disappointed. Come on tessa, jump on that! I'll start snipping vogue magazine ads for your walls.... ; )
Oh man, those cupcake cookies look adorable and sooo cute!! aah, I've never really lived out of home, so sad :(
Mckenzie, It was a blast! It was a really nice experience and I just got the chance to personally thank your mom yesterday. Mere made some sushi the other night for herself. How adorable. I am living back with John and Kimberly. I love my room though and this bed pretty much absorbs you and it's fabulous. I put my wall up the day I moved in (Florence setlists, pictures, Natalie Merchant setlist, random shit) and my dad put a limit and said that I "could put no more up." apparently John can't deal with the tape on the walls :D x
and Thanks! I love the cupcake cookies. I used to hate decorating them, because they are a newer bouquet, but now I have them down pretty well, I think! It's okay, it's not a horrible thing to never have lived out of home.It was a good experience, in a way that I'm much more responsible in little ways that make a difference. Hope you're well! :)
You look lovely, those cookies look YUM.
So pretty! Looove the bow and patterns here! You have such a lovely sense of style!
PS. We've a DORIS giveaway on our blog! Check it out, if you'd like! :)
ox from NYC,
Wow! Thank you so much, guys! Glad you like the clothes and the cookies.
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