[there's a lot of Florence and Lana Del Rey going on here-more to come of that! Some drawings, some set lists...the bed is a huge upgrade and it's amazingly comfortable. My acoustic guitar that I pretend to play well and GREY WALLS! YES! This was a great room to move back into]
There are things about my living environment that need to scream my personality and my interests and without them I just feel rather odd. This has always been the case and I can't help but decking out my walls with people I find so extremely rad. I remember when I first moved back in my dad kept coming in and saying "Okay, that's enough" and that was only with the setlists and a few other pictures. There's going to be a whole 'lot more glossy pictures popping up on that wall with all the great magazines that have come out lately! and back to it...
Everyone around me has been super positive lately. I've been catchin' up with so many friends lately, which has been quite easy due to the fact that I'm so much closer to them then were I was living the past two years. Rachael made a comment the other day that went along the lines of "I can tell, you look like you're going to burst at the seams, in a good way!" in response to "I want to do something, I feel really good about this year..." Anywho, liked that terminology she used and it kind of put it more into perspective for me. That's exactly how I feel. I saw Brooke today and I told her how I want to turn over a new leaf, do something good and what's good for me. She said "Dude, it's turned. Or it's like ::half-flipping palm:: right there. That is awesome. I have really rad people in my life right now!
Work has become a little bit interesting but presents different opportunities. I feel confident, mostly. If we're being honest that is. Like..perhaps I'm starting to come into place with who I am as a person? I feel good about what I have to offer in terms of personality. I am the most relieved that I've come to good terms with my body and how I feel perceive it and I sort of like it. I. Can. Dig. It. I think I've learned what works for me right now. Food and my intake of it always fluctuates with what's going on in my life, however, I find there to be an up slope when there is a fine combination of fruits and veggies and Portillo's. There was a lot of that when I was twenty-three and there will be more to come in the next. I have struck a nice balance in knowing how to eat that's just right for me. I am grateful for this.
There's more where this came from! I have to eat here once a week!
Plus, being the girl with body issues is kind of a drag, and that's practically every girl in existence...awesome! I feel like I have moments in my life though where I've felt like I've had it pretty together, but they seem like fleeting moments that really last longer than just moments, long enough to stick around and give me this false sense of accomplishment and hope. NOT TODAY! [see reference] I plan on having things go well this year. I feel more stable as well, which is a big part of it. Ah, stability, what a fine word. I'm finally coming around to being cool with being happy. I hate when numerous months go on where those days when you feel sad, you feel like you're never going to be happy again, and vice versa. It just blows, so it's nice to be moving a bit more past that. I hope my plans for my birthday pan out well. I try to always keep things pretty simple when it comes to these kind of things just so it makes it harder for things to fall through. I just want fantastic company and good food-both should be able to happen!
I finally got back to skating regularly again. I hated how I was letting that skill go down the drain and I have gone back and am in the process of fine tuning and regaining certain elements. It is SO GOOD to be back. I have this solid little skate crew that I used to pal around with a few years ago. It is great to see them again and it's always nice to have people you know sharing the ice with you. It makes it more fun and I always prefer someone is there, it tends to be much more motivating. Hopefully I can get over there consistently and more often. Amazing weather has hit Chicago extremely early which is making it super easy to snag walks or do some rollerbladin' before I start work midday. This has been so good for me. I love doing something outside and active before work. It just puts me in such a better mood and energized for the day, but let's be honest, this is no secret. When I say "amazing weather" I am not shitting you, this weather has been without a doubt some of the most insane I've seen. I know, I'm only 23 (FOR NOW!) but 85º+ before the end of March is downright bonkers in this neck of the woods. I find myself dwindling down on sunblock before Spring even starts. I will take it, but I have to assume we will pay for this somehow...
Just over a month until I see the fabulous Florence + The Machine take the stage in Milwaukee. I can hardly contain myself and my friend who I'm going with told me the plan of arriving bloody early and queue-ing asap. I'm semi-on board with this plan. I love Florence. I will wait all day. Is it 100% necessary..proobbbabbblly not, but is it VITAL to get FRONT ROW AT A G.A. SHOW?! YES. Therefore it all balances out and I will be waiting in that line for a good 10 hours. This seems rather insane, but yes, yes, yes, go with me. I am also rather revved about snagging my Radiohead ticket. This will be the first time I've seen this band and I've loved them so hard for years. I am especially excited for the group of people I am seeing with them. I can feel it in my bones that it will be one fantastic evening.
And without a doubt XRT has gotten me along this year with music and I've learned a lot through listening. Almost all of my favourite artists get picked up on the station, or I hear about them from XRT. I am so glad I get to see Florence again in April. This is something I am so over the moon excited for even if I have to travel to Milwaukee to do it. Good things lay ahead this year in terms of music and I'm just really excited!
Needless to say, the song of the year without a doubt is this gem:
I've been doing a lot of thrifting, quite a bit of rollerblading, some skating, and dabbling in some floral crown wearin'. All of these are reflective of that. It's almost like a matching game. almost.
Even though it's supposed to rain tomorrow, I want to get on a bike, grab a balloon bouquet and listen to 'I Might' by Wilco! That would be absolutely fantastic. Enjoy!



here's a sum-up of the best age/year- 22
I hope you all have a rad day and do something awesome! HAVE AN AMAZING DAY!
x x x x
I recently stumbled across your blog and I LOVE it! I love the layout to the content and everything in between! I adore your taste in music :)
Thank you so much. I'm glad you enjoy it :D
I like your jacket in the top left photo. Check out the fries! Thanks for psoting photos and feel free to drop by me too when you have time.
love love love!!!!!!!!!!!
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