I was glad I could be there to help out!-even though I was somewhere in the middle of a extremely large crowd with no view of the stage or any of the main happenings. While I was a tad bit disappointed that I'd miss an "official" Halloween (you know, hot dogs, cider, chili, tons of candy, T.V. specials....) I was glad that we took the ten hour drive to the nation's capital to join a crowd of about 200,000 and a slew of awesome guests to help prove a point.

It was fun being around so many people with an opinion that possessed both political intelligence and comical wit. One of the most accurate signs I saw was "It's a sad day when our politicians are comical and I have to take our comedians seriously." It was also a great reason to escape to D.C. for the weekend and enjoy the sights. We were there for less than 36 hours but it felt like three days with all the walking/picture taking/sight-seeing we did. No regrets, we had a great time. What a unique experience to be among a crowd that large and it being so widely publicized was neat to see. It got a good message out there, to those who were able to understand it. It was irritating to hear news correspondents say that it was not a political rally and that it was purely comical. I think if you were there, you definitely felt the political vibe.
First of all, being in D.C. you become patriotic in a whole new way, a way in which normally I am not. You feel proud of your country and its founding fathers. You want to believe that America is a great place and that we have our shit together. It must be something in the architecture. The rally that took place in such a patriotic/political atmosphere didn't have to be promoted as "political". It just felt that way as you marched your way to towards the capital, reading the onslaught of political posters aimed in all sorts of directions. You were able to get a feel for people via the signs they held in their hands. It was mostly comical in terms of presentation, except for a few parts that were spot on in terms of where American politics/media outlets stand to the common folk. But the performances were all perfect in reflecting the political spectrum and the relationship we have with one another when it comes to respecting everyones opinion and while educating ourselves about what is REALLY going on. I was glad to be a part of it.
I will really miss the ghoul-ery and overall spirit of Halloween. I loved decorating Halloween cookies at work. Unless they consist of this bouquet (COUNT ME OUT) I just never think my kool kids are good enough--yes kool with a K. I'll miss the spookiness and the chill that lingers in the air in just the right way (November air is too frigid), the way the leaves tumble down the streets... It just gives off such a spooky/spirited vibe. Also, it allocates eating a large amount of mini sized candy bars in a short period of time. I think my chance of diabetes just went up a good 10% after these past two days. We have just been devouring candy.
I wanted to be two things this year, which of course both fell through. I really wanted to be Margot Tenenbaum. I lacked the mink. Then I came up with the best idea way too late. I wanted to sport something with crazy, huge, funky ass sleeves and be "Sleavie Nicks!" as in...

Perhaps next year! Don't worry, I still dressed Halloween appropriate! Here are some pictures from the past few days/weeks as well as some Halloween inspired finds;

my Friday work ensamble

my pumpkin from this year

I love this cookie. I love the plumpy ghost!
Alas, November 2 has passed and I voted! Now we can rest assured that we will not see any redundant political ads for a long time. I guess I could mention the outrage that took over me when I was informed that they "don't have "I voted" stickers this year." WHAT?! That is one immediate perk of voting. You may vote and walk out of there knowing you will not get the outcome you want. But at the end of that voting day YOU GET that sticker. Instant gratification. Big YAY! to Laura, who gave me her "I voted" sticker when she was informed of my disappointment.
1 comment:
My english is too bad to understand all what you wrote, but I love the halloween pictures selection !
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