Finally back in the game. After lazing around the week before New Years and technically the week after, I feel back in the swing of things (especially with finally being back at work in Naperville). New years was fantastic this year. Eric and I checked into the Hotel Monaco on Friday equipped with bottles of champagne to ring it all in. The Black Keys were in town for a few nights and we checked them out on the Eve (see setlist). It was nice to be out and about among people, but the crowds typically tend to suck at these kind of events, especially with my height. I just get lost in seas of shoulders, but being short has its advantages. You can watch them performing 'Everlasting Light' HERE which was just before midnight and then you can see the celebration/balloon drop HERE.

2011 has gotten off to a really great start ::ferociously knocking on wood::. I've already had such awesome encounters with such great people and I hope that continues to be the case. I always seem to find myself among good company. I just find myself feeling very secure in this new year. It's all really in my own hands. I'm enjoying time spent in the Orland Park store. It's nice to be working on my own and "run the shoppe" at my pace. It's a completely different environment than Naperville and I enjoy both, but in different ways.
I am still dying to see Black Swan (and The Virgin Suicides, damnit). I have a feeling it will be my new obsession, but I also think it will hit me really hard. I snagged the January Vogue (and then it came to my house days later... [Laura- I am planning on giving you my spare issue!]) and I did a little reunion jig because of the beloved 2004 issue featuring Natalie Portman that featured wonderful Escada dresses and an exquisite gown by Oscar de la Renta and of course a beautiful story about Natalie Portman. I was a Sophomore in High School.
Now I'm nearing the end of 22 and, of course, I skipped everything else and read the story; I would have loved the opportunity to train like she did for that role.
"The dance training for Black Swan started a year before the film, with two hours a day. Six months later we ramped it up to five hours a day, and the last two months it was eight hours a day, because we added choreography and cross training, so I was also swimming a mile a day. The discipline was good for the part—it hurt a lot; your body is in constant pain.” Like most dancers, she survived on coffee and ibuprofen, and slept five hours a night."
While she had to endure endless amounts of pain, I would love the ability to be able to train extensively while getting paid to do it instead of dishing out cash for coaching, which is a huge reason why I hardly skate anymore. I wish they were filming something about skating and "needed" me to skate 6 hours a day while undergoing coaching and advanced training. It would be like re-living my youth all over again.
I need to find an empty studio ASAP. I need a little studio time with this song for sure. I have undying urge to create a routine for this song. CHECK THEM OUT! I have really been diggin' The Jezabels this year and I'm definitely excited for them to start touring around.
GAH! Why must the NFC be aired over FOX? It's disappointing flipping from CBS where the high picture quality is impeccable. I miss football season already, although technically it's still upon us. I've devoted my Sundays to them for weeks, but it's nice to see how it will all come together after a pretty good season for the Bears, although I'm not expecting miracles. I expect to see the Patriots in the Superbowl this year, they've had an astonishing season, but that's nothing new for them.
So what goes better with COSMIC LOVE than COSMIC BROWNIES?!?

I woke up craving these for some reason today. I haven't had these since I was, like...15? They were a big motivator in me going to Jewel this morning. It was a great little reunion when I ripped open the package and scarfed the little two chocolate squares down with reckless abandon. Don't worry, I waited till I got home to do this. Some good times for sure.
No go buy some Cosmic brownies and listen to Cosmic Love.
**For cat lovers; sing "The Dog Days Are Over" to your feline friend.
(this version of the song makes me cry every time, heh)
(this version of the song makes me cry every time, heh)

Toby is aiming to learn more in the New Year as well!
I adore that dress she's wearing in the latter cover, but its a bit familiar. I noticed taylor swift sporting the same one at the peoples choice awards last week : ) Either way, its lovely! and happens to be in one of my favorite colors when it comes to clothing!
Ha, I actually remember reading the February 2004 Vogue in Mr. Maseli's class that year! I even remember where I sat when I was flipping through it. How did any of us learn anything??
And ha, that's funny. From Natalie Portman to Taylor Swift. Heh.
It is a great colour, especially for Winter and Summer.
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