I came home last week to;

How sweet they sent me the December

This cover is perfect.
It reminds me of Honey West re-vamped for 2011
and I think Lily Donaldson looks beautiful here.
Getting a magazine in the mail reminds me the days of being 14 and receiving my "Teen" magazine in the mail. I still remember those colors, those covers, and that block font like I pulled it from the mailbox last week. Through some rough google searching, I was able to find this gnarly little fucker;
I think this was the first issue I actually got in the mail?
It's cut up, taped on some 6th grade notebook or binder, and long gone by now.
But it's nice to re-live the good old days!
Seeing all those old magazines via google is especially odd. When I got those magazines, we just were getting internet rolling in our house. The old ads, those silly quizzes where I feverishly circled A, B, C, or D, and those covers that were covered with tacky yet catchy little phrases that kept me reading about whatever the hell my little mind wanted to wrap itself around, oh man.
So, my goal for dealing with all these magazines that are about to bombard me (Vogue, W, Nylon, Bazaar, V, Pop, & Vanity Fair) is to read them in order. So December W was first on board. I found my new shoe adoration among these pages and I am so excited about them even though I most likely will never own a pair. After that statement, I feel like I should note that I am not a shoe person--shoe person as in "crazy obsessed girl has to have every pair she sees". The first sentence of the article was "Remember jellies?" Cue to me grabbing the magazine with both hands and holding it up in honor. OF COURSE I REMEMBER. I've only been mentioning them in random conversations for the past 10 years. Kartell, yes, the contemporary plastic furniture powerhouse teamed up with Moschino, specifically Rosella Jardini their creative director and out came this beauty of a flat;

Ah, the time has come;
Bottega Veneta came out with a watch, the BVX, by creative designer Tomas Maier
You can watch the vid about the creation HERE.

now go get your $14,600 and buy it :D
The "What" pages in this magazine are tuning in so nicely to my interests.
this seems interesting.
For 28 bucks you can snag yourself an aromatherapy blend that are created to cure various ailments/moods/feelings. I'd be interested to see how effective they are.
Don't worry, if they don't make the aroma for your therapy, you can get your own for $415. Jesus.
ugh. As winter continues to carry on, I still find myself in the same jean-hating phase I dove into over a year ago. I just find denim deplorable and I don't see an end in sight. Any asshole can wear jeans, but its about more than that. Sometimes I will accept jeans on my body, but I am just never pleased. Nobody is praising your outfit when denim coats your legs. I find myself in them today and I just feel--extremely boring.
On another note, something to perhaps get you on your feet. My cousin the other day introduced me to this music called "dub step" and it's pretty groovy in the weirdest way. When he described it initially, he said that the music "wobbles" and it does. This song was the first song he played for me and it has been in my head ever sense. Move a little furniture or find some open space and move around a little bit to THIS--especially if you want to honour Jack Lalanne just a tad more (such a sad passing)
Hopefully you're settled into the week. Make it a good one.
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