Sing on a stage:
...Auditorium style. I want to straight up grab the mic in a packed auditorium (probably stealing some kid's spot in the variety show) and belting something out, like 'Something To Talk About' or 'Like The way I do'. See, here's the thing, I can sing these in my car. Alone. I have done karaoke on a stage, in a crowded bar, that one of my favourite artists had just performed on and it went well, I suppose. However, if the whole auditorium thing went poorly and I screwed up on stage, I'd likely throw the mic into the face of a front-rower. Everyone wins!
this one is a good one....I wish this was on a karaoke track.
Do something artistically as a career:
...and to some extent, I do, but I mean something where I am on my own, making money to support myself. Whether that be jewelry, glass blowing, cake decorating (big tymer style), fashion stuffs, coaching figure skating, etc. All of those things hold appeal to me, it's just deciding the right time to pursue it. But is there ever really a "right time"?
I want to go back to Malta:
...and cry into the Mediterranean once more.. I took a walk by myself one day (I went with a group for a field study) and I had purchased In Rainbows for the trip. I sat alone on these little stone steps right by this little inlet by the sea. A million things were going through my mind and I just kept listening to 'Weird Fishes/Arpreggi' over and over. I cried endlessly (at least that is what it felt like) and ended up walking around in the shallow part of the sea and I loved every second of my mixed emotions of sheer happiness and realization coupled with uncertainty and change. I never wanted to leave and I think that was my little parting day with it all. I loved that little bit of land so much. I just cannot believe I boarded the plane to leave. Now that was just silly!
this is me walking in Gozo. I was running up and down and jumping all around.
This was during our first few hours there.
This is at Dwerja, the next day. I loved this place and could have literally sat here all day.
I sat on the ledge of these huge rocks that hung over the sea and the huge waves that were crashing were just barely touching my feet. It was amazing.
I need to see:
Radiohead, PJ Harvey, David Byrne, Nine Inch Nails, & Florence and the Machine (again) before I leave this earth. I feel that this isn't asking a lot. I've seen Thom Yorke with Atoms for peace and I've seen Florence twice now, but these artists need to make their own little festival...with other fantastic artists, of course. They are just too good to not see live.
I want to perform:
...Dance. Something elaborate. Something either I choreographed or something insane that was choreographed for me. I was born to use my body artistically and I know this because I will strive for perfection and am so dedicated when a goal is in reach.
I swear I could have played both swans....
When I was a skater, I worked at it so, so hard at it. Dancing is amazing and it means so much to me. I want to perform. All the time. I was to be on SYTYCD! But I will NEVER EVER NEVER EVER NEVER EVER do anything like that, I just want to be choreographed by these people.
::cough cough:: Mia Michaels ::cough cough::
I swear I could have played both swans....
When I was a skater, I worked at it so, so hard at it. Dancing is amazing and it means so much to me. I want to perform. All the time. I was to be on SYTYCD! But I will NEVER EVER NEVER EVER NEVER EVER do anything like that, I just want to be choreographed by these people.
::cough cough:: Mia Michaels ::cough cough::
I want to go to NY fashion week:
...at least once in my lifetime. I feel insane for not attending this past year, seeing that one of my best friends forever lives in New York. I've loved fashion for too long to not attend events like this.

I want to go back and be formally educated once again.
I love a classroom setting, I love the people I encountered, and it only betters you in so many ways. Although I don't agree with a lot of the curriculum in this country, you have to embrace it and educate yourself while interacting with others and passing requirements. On the same note, I want to use this in a career that is respected and makes adequate money to support living.

Okay, so even though this is what was happening last time I was in college, I swear the last semesters I really shaped up (I always did fairly well in college, but, ya know...)
I studied to this song quite a bit;
One day I want to see what's really going on inside my head.
Sometimes I just don't like what's happening, but am useless in preventing it.
I want to go skydiving ASAP.
I feel this needs no explanation
I need to go storm chasing.
I have been in love with weather and have been such an enthusiast for the greater half of my life. Tornadoes and severe weather have always fascinated me. They have wonderful opportunities at the local college, but I can't strum up the money. One day, the money will be strummed, my friends. And I, Tessa, will be tailin' the tornadoes!
The wind noise on this is just awful, however, there is some awesome footage. I took a class with the professor leading this trip. C.O.D is phenomenal for meteorology.
I want to listen to this while I'm watching a tornado roll across the ground.

I'd love to meet the people who have had a big impact on my life:
and personally thank them. It would probably be ultra creepy, but really? If you did something professionally and people loved it and truly admired your work, wouldn't YOU want to hear about it? These people include; Florence Welch, Sasha Cohen, Rachel Maddow, Natalie Merchant, Terri Hemmert, etc.
Florence Welch
This is one of my favourites by Sasha Cohen. I love the straight-line footwork, the sprial sequence, her dress, and most of all her timing and consistency!
Read more about Terri Hemmert [HERE]
See a play on Broadway.
I've seen off-Broadway plays, but I'm so inspired each time. I always grew up thinking I would be on Broadway. I was entertaining at such a young age and was singing and dancing along to The Phantom of the Opera soundtrack at age three. I just think it's inspiring to the point of overwhelming to see those people come together to create something so marvelous.
I want to work with the elderly.
After reading so much Advanced Style, I just feel that we have so much to learn from them. This is not a recent discovery, but I am so glad that the field study previously mentioned was with ladies and gents over the age of 50. That was such a treat. I loved hearing about their travels and their views on politics. It was such an enriching experience. I could only imagine the stories you would hear over time. Trust me, by no means is 50 or 60 considered even close to "elderly" in my eyes. I was just lucky that it wasn't a bunch of 20 year olds. I enjoy the older crowd. I'm such an old soul and enjoy hearing about the past.
Now, to accomplish!
1 comment:
I loved it!!! Especially the storm chasing one...I'd definitely pee my pants.
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