May 5, 2009

50.7 fl oz or bust!

Wow--today ended up to be a great one. Very pleasant--sometimes good days are few and far in between, so having a great day is quite the catch. Skating went well. Saw Gina. She's this woman I skate with who just picked up the sport for "something to do". She's so accomplished is the funny part (doctor, pilot--with her own plane, 7 year national karate champion...) and it's interesting because I, of all people, give her skating lessons. She has so many good stories. I have to make sure I get at least an hour in of skating because once I talk to her we could go on for days. I like that though. It's always nice to hear about someones experiences. It just shapes you more and makes you think about things differently. The more you know about something, the more amusing it becomes, it can put you in as much bewilderment as if you knew nothing about it. I like that.

Stopped at Trader Joes today (what else is new?) I got more flowers for my room, some sunflowers. I love adding flowers to my room, it really adds a little life. I also scooped up a bag of these GINGER CHEWS. These are fabulous! If you like ginger that is. I guess that can be overwhelming. I liked pickled ginger (on sushi of course!) but not necessarily all things ginger. But these are great, good for digestion and they have hardly any components to them (always encouraging). So order a bag or stop at trader joes and pick them up while you're waiting to check out (they are by the front area). I also got the legendary Greek yogurt which is off the chain if I do say so myself. You have not had yogurt until you've had this, people!

Wow Pandora, great work! On my Radiohead station it's playing Disarm by The Smashing Pumpkins. Great song. So my lead meeting went well today. NO ONE CRIED (namely me! ha ha ha). We actually ate at a restaurant right across the way, Jimmy's Grill (not really worth linking). So my fear of being repermanded in the back was banished! Our manager was sweet and ordered us a bunch of food. That kind of food makes me nervous, but I ended up to snag a few onion rings. I won't eat it unless it's there. I try to eat as healthy as I can. Don't get me wrong, this slips away. I have good days and bad days. The nights are the hardest. I always want a sweet treat and get so bored, I just want to chew. Anyyywhooo. This is not important.

I am dying to check out Thom Yorke's solo album The Eraser. What a shame my downloading convenience fell through. Damn C drive. OBTAIN SPACE! oh well. Such is life. All good things must come to an end. I need to hear more bands. I went to Florida for 5 days in January to see one of my good buddies, Matt. We have the same kind of taste in music, but didn't listen to all the same things persay. He was into newer kind of relaxing mellow music (zero 7, smoke city, sigur ros) which have now become some of my favorite bands, while I turned him onto Pink Floyd, The Who, Slightly Stoopid, and Phish. It was so refreshing to have a new collection of music and to add on to my "base" of classic rock/radiohead ha ha.I have a wide variety of music that I listen to, but I can be a music snob at first. I just need time to like a song. Some are an instant catch. It's all good. Music is so widespread but can be so particular. I like that. Music is so important. I wish I had a bigger role in producing it. Playing an instrument or singing. Voice lessons could be fun. Right? What could that hurt? (besides ears?!)

I had dinner with my brother and sister in law. Clarissa and I prepared dinner, which consisted of fresh mozzerella with strawberries & fresh oregano and mint and a smidge of olive oil, Butternut squash ravioli, homemade baguettes I had made just before going to their house, and she prepared a nice garden salad. It was quite fabulous. I enjoy their company a lot and it's a nice change of pace to hang out with them :)

However, I shall stop rambling and start reading.

Order some ginger chews and prepare yourself a cup of tea for a before bed beverage(good night, America!) or an early splash of flavor (good morning, Europe!)



Dr. Gina said...

Tea for Tessa is a delightful surprise! Tessa's writing makes you feel her openness and honesty and her willingness to share. Although any of her family and friends know that she is willing to share. I met Tessa at Seven Bridges and she never makes you feel that you cannot learn something new. She is always very encouraging. She is a terrific figure skater as you all may know. But,what is even better to get to know about her is her willingness to experience other arenas. Who would think that this petite, beautiful, strong, young women liked to cook and discovered that greek yogurt is the BEST!. Tesss's confidence will serve her well in life and make her fell fulfilled. I wish for her a world of opportunites and the ability to see them, grab them and take them to there greatest heights. It restores my faith in the future to know there a people with Tessa's vision. Never quit!!

Tessa G. said...

why thank you :)