May 4, 2009

in the deepest ocean...


Now, I must admit that I have been thinking about all the wonderful things I could post on here and share with people, and wow--I got excited. This morning I woke up, had a fab breakfast (eat a good breakfast--it's very important!) and hit one of my favorite sites I always have a guilty pleasure in scoping the web right after breakfast, I guess its the way I let myself digest? Anywho, they ALWAYS have all these delicious recipes from all over the world; some you will have to convert, but no worries HERE is a great converter.  People post beautiful pictures of the food and then links it to the recipe and their food blog. It's a great way to start the day because then you're thinking of when you will be able to create these delicious little concoctions. But I don't have to tell you anymore, go check it out for yourself!

A few recipes I'm dying to try! --if you make it for yourself either invite me or let me know how it is! ;)

1) This HUGE grilled cheese! (I'll have to be really hungry to even attempt this one)
2) Amazing pizza crust - I must say, Matthew and I are always looking for a better way to make a good home made pizza. I love making a pizza with him--a great add on to a Friday night meal or you could get elaborate and make it your main course. It's a quicker process than most think and the taste is so much more exceptional than anything you could gather in a box and get delivered to your door or unwrap and toss it in your oven. (unless you're talking about Trader Joes pesto/mozzerella pizza) ha ha.
3) Go Canadian with this one--way to go Canada!
5) but mostly I want THIS!!

So after I got my brain cooking, I headed to skating. A good skate overall. I really really want to pull a triple sal, which seems impossible because of my other technecality issues (aka not having other jumps that lead into it). But it's getting there. I really enjoy the atmosphere. I like the people I skate with and it just makes me think that sometimes you come across the most interesting people in the oddest of places. The whole process of meeting someone and getting to know them is so neat, you know, seeing them, gathering assumptions, introducing, speaking, friendship and then of course it builds on itself. I love thinking that we were all supposed to meet these people. It's like having a great class of people--you just don't forget it. You all went through something together. Weather class is the best example of that. I miss the environment and the people and not knowing a damn thing that was going on. It's okay--it was all worth the B in the end. Should have worked more for the A. What a let down. Anywho, I like to notice the evolution in things--how it changes from one thing to another. I think that's why I love weather so much. It evolves so much over the day. It's a beautiful concept.

I worked tonight. Jamba Juice. Getting oh so old. I have to admit, I would miss it if I left right now. Thank goodness I have another job. Dealing with all these people all the time is no good (especially in the summer, lines to the doors for hours!). I am excited to be sitting in the back creating a lovely design on a fresh sugar cookie. I cannot wait! I just disdain when people come into Jamba past 8 when we close at nine. I'm guilty of it all the time and so is everyone else. If something is open till nine and I want it at 8:50--I'm going in!  ha ha, but I feel bad about it. People are just trying to close and get the hell out of there. I will have to admit, some of the coolest customers have been the ones that come in right at nine as we're closing. So it all works out.

I have to place my tea order soon! I ordered four bags of tea from this tea company called Teagschwendner. Their aroma collections are amazing! I got Black tea (banana walnut, cream, ginger orange, & my favorite; MOON PALACE). Another good tea site would be Teavana. My sister in law got me started on the whole loose leaf tea idea. It's so much more fresh and tasty. With the variety that these two tea vendors have to offer, every should be able to find something to romance their tastebuds.

mmm. this clemetine is off the chain! on that note--have a fabulous night! (unless you are in France or Malta--where it would be 4:48am! So good morning Europe!


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