Why HELLO! Don't forget tomorrow is TUESDAY. Don't worry, we will all make the mistake.
So, I was stumbling around on the internet, facebook chatting, and of course jammin to Pandora when I realized I should definately be blogging. Lately I have been writing when I have been 2/3 asleep. No bueno. Last night my biggest frustration came from not being able to transfer my pictures from my phone to the computer through a cord I received through Matthew (this alleviates the problem of having to take the chip in and out constantly). It took me awhile to figure it out. It caused me to get even more tired. Yikes.
Today was a good day overall. I woke up at nine (everyone seemed to be texting me) and Danielle came over at 10:30 and she and I went on an hour and a half walk through the perserve. It was fun times for sure. I came home, showered, and met up with my brother to go pick out a gift for my dad. I will keep it hush hush for now (even though I'm pretty positive he doesn't read this) ha ha. I feel pretty good about our gift. My parents came back today. I went to Matthew's house for dinner at six for ribs, potato salad, homemade hummus/pita chips, and fruit and cake. Loved it. Smoked hookah while Matthew and Eric attended to a shitty game of cards where Eric barely understood the rules. It was enjoyable. We watched a show of "Always Sunny In Philidephia". Pretty funny; glad I saw an episode.
Even though the weather wasn't the greatest, I enjoyed the true laziness of the day. Yesterday was where it was at for your socialization outdoors. Today was a day to watch marathons of your favorite TV shows, get crafty, or spend time with some family. I have always welcomed rainy weather with open arms. However, this morning I believe everyone was dragging. The rain is a great change of pace and it give you a break from watering your plants. You cannot complain about the latter! ;)
So I anticipate what is to come for my summer. I cannot have any hopes. I cannot look forward to anything too much; you tend to really let yourself down when you hype things up. No expectations is the way to go with summers, I've learned. Hopefully some awesome things will come into the works. I've really been diggin the Talking Heads lately. I've always been a fan, but I hear more and more and I like them. David Byrne sounds so much like Michael Glabicki of Rusted Root... well, vice versa, I suppose and I LOVE rusted root so it all makes sense in the end.
Tomorrow = cookies! Woohoo! I think I might sneak in a lil skate time. I miss it so much. I cannot believe my little skater friend Julie quit! It saddens me. Matthew and I watched her compete a few weeks ago and it's crazy to end something so big in your life that you devote all your time to. It is hard to want to reach the top while they just keep making it harder to do so. It is such a stressful and intense sport. I loved quitting and having all that free time, that was back when I was in 5th grade. I had already been doing the sport for 7 years and I was only 10! Now I wish I could have just showed a little god damn dedication. In the end it was the right thing to do to meddle in theater, cheerleading, chess club, friends, boyfriends, soccer, and work. Sometimes we have to pursuit other interests in hopes to find out what truly suits us. You can't just keep doing the same thing over and over if you're not confident it's what you want to continue doing. I'm excited to see where she goes.
I will leave you with videos and pictures of the weekend.
I love love love having flowers in my room. Anything to add a little life. I keep a lot of flowers. Normally I keep one flower from an important/meaningful bouquet. So I have vases of dead flowers all over. So having some flowers that are full of life and add so much great smell to my room are really quite the bonus. These are beautiful too! I cannot remember the name though! :(
Finally you get to see these barrettes I'm making.
They are coming along. Each one gets better!
This is p 1 of the video walk with Danielle. Ha Ha. man oh man.
What a fuzzy morning. I wanted to sleep! Oh well, this made it worth it.
and this would be p2 of the video walk. The infamous TREE!!
Sorry it's sideways; but you can work with it!
Jeepers! Time for me to skedattle into bed! Muy tired. Time to turn off the weather channel, turn off the speakers, but the computer to sleep, and scurry into bed. Have a delightful night! Drink a lot of water tomorrow!
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