I am so glad I have seen that band four times :)
I opened up Jamba and it was a pleasant and easy open. I left at eleven fifteen and sauntered downtown naperville with Jackie before eating a highly craved burrito bowl that failed to meet the high hopes I had for it. Jackie and I headed back to my place and listened to tunes while making barrettes. They are really the star of my posts lately, aren't they? Not a bad thing. Jackie and I ended up going on a bike ride later in the day and then when Matthew picked me up for dinner, we dropped Jackie off. We went to Lalo's for dinner. I enjoy their margaritas and shredded beef a whole lot. I normally do not eat beef. I like to avoid meat when I can, but eh, I enjoy it in a meal here and there. After dinner we headed to the mall and I got some GREAT things at Forever 21. Mostly accessories...
but I got a nice black dress that's perfect for the evening out. I love that stores style. It's like charlotte russe mixed with H&M which is perfect. After the mall we headed to hookah and then settled in back at my house where electric sheep, good music, and south park was to all be enjoyed.
This morning, I got up semi early and headed to Jamba to get a smoothie for breakfast. My parents went to the summerhouse and took all good things with them and I was also left with sour milk--grrr! So I went to trader joes and got my yogurt, bread, new beautiful flowers for my room, and of course black licorice scotty dogs. Which reminds me that I need to buy fennel soon! Which reminds me that I need to cook with Matthew soon! :) When I got home, Danielle came over and we took off for what turned out to be a 12 mile bike ride (she has a spedometer/mile tracker) how convenient! At two thirty I headed to my bro and sister in laws house and hung out for the majority of the day while we waited for others to show up at night for a poker game. Clarissa made some amazing champagne punch which had us buzzing. It was fabulous. I love a good sunday daytime sunny drunk. I was sobered by 11 and headed home. I am so so so tired. Tomorrow calls for plans with Danielle and maybe my weather class Danielle. It's odd how I met two good friends both named Danielle and each one was in my science class at C.O.D. Bizarre-o!
I am SO tired. Zzzzzzz.
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