"Sunrise, sunrise, couldn't tempt us if it tried cause the afternoon's already come and gone."
Another day, another dollar. This weekend was pretty jam packed if I do say so myself. Jeepers, I don't even know where to start. It's 2:46 pm currently. It is a perfectly sunny day here today and the downtown streets of Naperville will scattered with people. But this is today. Let us go to Friday's adventures...
Friday: It started with a simple morning. Danielle and I had a bikeride and played a little frisbee. WooHOO for it going over the fence again! I am too good at that. I got ready, had work at two and we got out at 12:05am. Not bad. I don't even notice I work so long. I got my first paycheck from there too and I cannot complain :) Work was also fun because a new girl started. So YAY! I am no longer the new girl which holds some reassurance I suppose. I also started adding detail to cookies (eyes, bows, etc) after you fill it. Afterward, even though it was late, Matt came over because we wanted to hang out and watch an episode of South Park or two before he left around two :)
Saturday: Hmm.. Let's see. I got up a little earlier than expected (9:15) and got ready to go to my sister in law's house so we could head over to the French farmers market! Awesome stuff! I got some looseleaf tea (moroccan mint), a tea canister, fresh farm eggs, and of course strawberries! I am upset at myself for going to whole foods the day before and getting some stuff I could have gotten at the farmers market, but I'll know better for next time. My sister was telling me about how there are these farming Co-ops where you pay a certain amount to a farm each season and you get a cut of the crop each week. That sounds something that I would really like to do in the future. Me and Clarissa got scones and eggs as well, so when we went back to her house we had quite the breakfast. After that, I went home, went rollerblading (LOVE IT!) and Matt and Eric picked me up and we went shooting in Plainfield. Matthew and Eric just got guns recently (45's) a Glock and a Springfield. I shot both. I like shooting, but these were a little harder. I like a 9mm. I had some decent shots. Mostly all body and some face shots. Can't be too upset. Ha Ha. After all this we went back to Matthew's house where we had dinner. I went home, met up with Meredith and went back over to Matthews for more margaritas. We watched some episodes of Madmen and Always Sunny In Philadelphia. After a long night..we all called it quits, and I got into bed around 4. I need sleep.
This picture is a little older (from last time I shot)

Today has been pretty good. Went on a rollerblade and enjoyed the weather. Mere and I went downtown naperville and we got RED MANGO! YAY! It was pretty tasty. I keep thinking about my days in Malta. If it were last year, I would be in the fishing villages (Marsaxlokk) and learning about Malta's history. We'd be eating in streetside cafes, I'd be splitting canoles with my fellow travellers and learning more about fortification tactics and the language and ways of the people. I would also still be hardcore battling jet lag. It is sad how I remember Malta so well, but now all I have to preserve it is my memory and the pages of my journal.
Tonight I'm going to Matthews house for dinner again. YAY! It should be very tasty. I open Jamba tomorrow. It is what it is. I only work one day a week, which is kinda sad just for the fact that I want more money coming in. I'm good at putting a good amount of money into my savings so I just want all I can get :)
"speak to me, there's no telling where it starts or how it ends, speak to me, while you're building this great big wall to defend me"
-10,000 Maniacs "Trouble me"
I have decided that if Radiohead and Natalie Merchant toured together that it would be the dream concert. THE DREAM CONCERT, PEOPLE! Gosh I love them both so much. Thom Yorke--call Natalie Merchant and get some shit set up..k thanks!
Tessa Erin.
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