"David Byrne, Cream Cheese, & Everything bagels are just a few of the reasons why I'm lovin life today."
So true. On the way to the local Jewel, I popped in the "Once In A Lifetime" Album.
While I was at the store, I snagged Everything bagels and two types of cream cheese.
Garden Veggie and regular (obvious choice, especially if you're me)
I had gotten into 2 in-depth conversations about Everything bagels smothered in cream cheese on Monday and decided that Tuesday needed to include this simple breakfast item.
While I was on the way back I realised how much I LOVED David Byrne.
This was not the first time.
David Byrne is the front man of The Talking Heads-- one of my favourite bands.
Those cheekbones! That Lankiness (which normally is a turn off)! Those awesome moves!
Sometimes I think that David Byrne would be the only one who appreciates my funky dance moves. He would have TOTALLY let me dance on the stage while he sang awesomeness.
He just seems so fun to work with.
The movie is worth seeing if you love great music & interested in seeing a unique way of making it.
It's odd, normally I am not one to think anyone of pop culture is good looking. Mostly overrated.
(of this era anyways).
I was never a Brad Pitt/Orlando Bloom/Josh Hartnet kind of girl. I just never saw a point.
I never had posters slathered over my walls of the latest "hottie" of the time.
I'm into something different I suppose. But David Byrne is sexy in an odd way. I dig that.
When I refer to David Byrne in this post, I more so am pulling that from 1984. See here;

RIGHT?! So awesome.
Watch the intro to Stop Making Sense HERE
So needless to say;
David Byrne, everything bagels, & cream cheese
rocked my world yesterday.
Skating 5 days a week is taking it's toll on my body. The double loop killed my hips.
It was worth it since they are getting much better. I worked on my spins today.
The one thing I'd love to exude in skating is my love for the sport. I want people to know I love it when they watch me. That emotion is so important to emphasize in skating.
You can truly tell a difference between someone who loves it & someone being forced into it.
I love how each time I step onto the ice I get nervous. Where I say;
"Wow, I have to do things on this ice."
I love that I still get nervous. That's how I know it means a lot to me.
When it literally changes my state of mind and enhances my nerves.
I'm taking a break from skating & hitting the gym tomorrow.
It will be good to strength train when my body isn't at its strongest.
I cannot wait till the days warm up to the 40's and 50's. Then I can take nice long walks in the morning/afternoons. Come summer I want to walk before breakfast and after dinner.
I don't mind the gym, but if I can be outside in the summer, I'm all about it.
But I'll always prefer the ice or the dance studio.
I am so excited to go to work tomorrow :)
Wednesdays are looking fabulous. It's a long day at skating as well a day to catch up and hang out with friends/do anything I please. Today I hung out with Cady for the majority of the day.
All very good. I'm glad we ended up seeing Nine. It was interesting but fun to watch.
Anywho tomorrow will be a morning where I devour an everything bagel smeared with cream cheese. It will be a very good morning.
Don't forget to eat a delicious breakfast tomorrow morning!
A mug of warm water and a slice of lemon will do the body good (a tip from the sis-in-law).
Have a great day tomorrow :)
1 comment:
David B. can really brighten any day, can't he? I do love that guy.
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