Today I got my first "real" taste of autumn. We woke up to grey skies, winds gusting, and rain streaming down the windows. It was beautiful. I love overcast weather and in fall it just seems so appropriate. It seems appropriate in spring as well, but it's more of a nuisance since you just dealt with the onslaught of winter precipitation. I had to wear not one, but two sweaters with my jacket to keep me warm today. The Chicago winters are brutal to my body, but for now it is fall so I'm inspired and ready for change, not only weather wise, but wardrobe wise. Fall is my favourite season to dress for since you don't have to be totally layered up, but people aren't expecting you to be clad in next to nothing (I hate the expectations of summer). Plus I get the same excitement about pulling out my fall boots as people do over their stupid flip flops in the late spring time (I hate "flops", as I call them--get some self respect).
The arrival of autumn also inspired another great change; that would be me cutting off all of my hair. For the past four years, I have vested great interest in me growing my hair to my waist so I wouldn't have to "wear shirts anymore" (I was joking, people). I wanted to "Rapunzel that shit". So once my hair finally was super long, I cut it all off. That is so like me.
It was like, I put all my pride into my hair and I loved brushing it and "wearing it". Then one day I woke up and decided I hated my layered mess. I was sick of my hair hiding my clothes and hiding that edgy-ness that short hair brings upon me. When I was in high school I cut all my hair off with a razor blade, and what is even better was one of those change-able Gillette style razor blades. Heh. I mean..I cut it ALL off and it totally worked for me. Of course, I would never, ever go this short again. I like it right above the shoulder or longer on me. It's just too thick.

Me my senior year of high school.
But I loved what it did for my style. This was kind of like that, my hair provokes my outfits these days. Of course, wanting only long hair for years and then once I achieve the dream I cut it all off into a perfect just above the shoulder bob. Yes. I will eventually post a picture. I am in love with it and it is perfect for me right now.
When it comes down to it, that is what it is all about. It's not picking up a magazine to see what is "in" right now, it's about looking at the past three years of your Vogue collection and gathering inspiration from all of them to create your own look. You just have to do what works for you and what makes you feel best. I disdain when people say "I can't pull that off". Although, I have to admit, I'm probably guilty of throwing the five words around myself. It's not about pulling anything off, it is about taking it and making it your own. Of course, you have to allow the right for people to deny clothes they know will not be most flattering to their shape or personality, even. I have to respect when people know what works best for them, but when someone says "I can't pull that off", it sounds like they aren't even bold enough to try. In the end, if you're asking Leo Tolstoy anyways, he will say that art is considered art if the creator is able to transcend the same feeling to the viewer as he felt when he was painting it. That's what fashion is like. It is about being able to make a statement or hopefully transcend a feeling through your clothes, and hopefully that feeling is the same one you had when you put that outfit together. It's about walking through the door and knowing that you feel perfect in your outfit and getting either the intrigued stares or the glares.
I don't know how my haircut story turned into a "pulling it off" broadcast...but it did.
So now that fall has been here for a little over a week, I'll post other things that are provoking my style and latest wants. In the colder months, I always prefer all black. On the contrary, I like to throw some crazy patterns in the layered mix or wear wild, colorful jewelery, or wear layers of colours or prints, but there is something about the classics. But my favourite fall accessory are probably funky print nylons/leggings. They always bring the funk to the outfits. Here's some juice to getcha goin for fall...

Laura Kranitz Headband. Awesome accessory

YAY! It's autumn!
Mary Janes. One of the best shoes you can own in the fall months.
I need a pair to feel like I am six again.

Perfect tights! I love them.
(Left to right), Urban Outfitters, Miss Sixty.

Black roses are my favourite flower.

Dolce & Gabanna

The girl on the right reminds me of the young Margot Tenenbaum

Love these tights, too.
(L to R) Express, Scout LA, Wolford Shade

Love this Delfina Delettrez Fendi piece.

I am in love with these Dr. Martins. I love how big and chunky they are but even better because they have a great pattern. I want.
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