I woke up thinking that I was to be at work by 2pm at my other location about 40 minutes away. I went about my usual routine as if that were the case; cereal/bagel action, hung around with my counterpart, took a quick stroll, and got ready. I had stopped at a bank close to my house to take deposits in for my work where I decided to pull up my schedule on e-mail to see who I was working with. I found that I wasn't on for today for that particular store. In fact, I wasn't scheduled at all. It was a blip on the one printed at work, but the one e-mailed was accurate. PERFECT. I was thankful that I had to make the stop to notice that I hadn't been expected to arrive. I made the deposits and headed straight to Goodwill. It was pay day and the one in my area is a gem. I had been wanting to poke around in there for a couple months now, especially because my birthday coupon for 25% off was burning a major hole in my wallet. Imagine that--a coupon for Goodwill, and trust me, it worked wonders when my 13 items amounted to $35. I didn't really have a mission for this particular visit-as in I was just going there to wander aimlessly, but had fully intended on walking out with a heap of things. Rest assured, I did just that.
7 shirts, 1 jacket, a pair of brown boots, a plaid purse, Trivial Pursuit: Totally 80's & 20th Anniversary, and a pair of funky earring pictured in the middle there.
I've been wanting to load up on some board games in the house. I want to find something that we both really enjoy and Trivial Pursuit will suffice for now. It was funny to test our 80's knowledge (yes, we already dove into playing), seeing that we are both in our early 20's. It's hard because we know it secondhand, but we can still keep up to a certain extent. Snagging both of those games for under $3 was exquisite.
Needless to say, the day ended up to be rather charming. Instead of heading to work, I got some quality time spent thrifting, cleaning, and scarfing down Portillo's. Speaking of cleaning, I feel like this little devil needs to be thrown into the post;

I got this at Target the other day. I'm a fan of natural cleaners-especially ones that will be used in the kitchen and I had heard good things about this brand so I got it. It is perfect for scrubbing down tubs, sinks, and gnarly countertops. It smells really unique and does a really great job so I just felt like I should give it a public pat on the back.
You may have noticed the lack of writing. You may have not. I've been in a funk. I just feel that it's not fair to take it out on my writing. I feel like I don't have a lot of positive to write about right now and I can't force it. I just feel so extremely teenage. I feel like I should have gone through this phase 10 years ago-& I'm sure I did. I just want to curl up, listen to Lithium, & browse the Dr. Martins online site. Working long 9 hour shifts with my brain left alone to claw at itself is rough, it's too much time to contemplate anything. It's problematic because about 95% of my work is mindless, I can think about a number of things while carrying out nearly all the tasks expected of me- ::sigh:: I'm just glad that I got a freebie today. Not one bit of me was in the mood for a shift to be carried out. What a fantastic occurrence!
Have you gotten any freebies lately??
I teach the new girls at my old cosmetology school, a couple of days ago I found out my shift was cancelled for today. Best non birthday present ever!
I love that brand! You've got to give their dish cleaner a try. Its not for the dishwasher, its for hand cleaning dishes. they have one that is geranium scented and its unbelievable. Lets just say I wouldn't mind using it as bath soap....
p.s. surprise days off are the best! I have a week for the 4th, and am really excited about using that time for hobbies and time with David and friends!
lovely post!
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