This week was busy, but full of good things.
Halloween was this week which is absolutely fantabulous!...
but that was also the inevitable end of October, which is one of my favourite months of the year due to it's heavy inspirational take-over. The spookiness was in full swing on Monday and I am so glad some plans came my way.
Not having plans on Halloween sort of feels like not having plans on your birthday.
One of my girlfriends was in town last week and came by to catch up, which is always so nice and so necessary. It was cut early because I had a train to catch into the city, at 4:51 to be exact. So I wasn't planning on dressing up...
That changed when Caitlyn mentioned it and I kind of felt like that meant I had to...
which meant that I really wanted to in the first place.
Of course I had fancied the idea, but I knew we would be going out with my counterpart and his friend, so I didn't want to pull my usual crazy shit. But I did anyway and this was the result; luckily I have random flower headbands around my wardrobe, green dresses, and bright yellow cardigans.
So I took the train to the city to meet my partner (who happened to be beckoned to the city for work) and his buddy, who both seemed to dig my flower get up, by the way.
I was the only one dressed up in the whole place. No big deal.
We met at Sepia, where I fell in love with the drink menu (and the atmosphere) and ordered easily;
We met at Sepia, where I fell in love with the drink menu (and the atmosphere) and ordered easily;

This isn't the full menu, it is just the shot of what I wanted to try most and what I actually did try;
Sepia Mule, French 75, Boston Martha
I chose the Sepia Mule. I have been wanting to try a Moscow Mule for some time now and I knew I couldn't pass up the opportunity.
I chose it twice and both times it was delicious.
If I ever go back it will be quite the toss up.
I'm sorry, when I go back.
I'm sorry, when I go back.
The bartender was great, I recommended he wear a bow-tie, he was that kind of dude.
The fellas have some difficulty tying the suckers!
Here was the menu I drooled over even as I knew Portillo's was on the horizon.
When it comes to dining, I'm not stupid. I may be a Portillo's addict, but if meals like this appear on paper in front of me, I'm going to have different desires.
These just look absolutely exquisite.
Of course, the drink is my beloved Sepia Mule. It was absolutely delicious and dangerous and totally did the job. It was a jolly train ride back. That's the worst about just going for drinks, your buzz is enjoyed on the seats of a Metra car...ehhhh.
Here was my Halloween din-din!
Oh the joys of living in Illinois! (there are so few these days...)
A chili dog, cup of chili, and a small fry just felt night on such a fright night!
So on to another adored beverage of mine;
So I picked up these little gems at Adagio while in Downtown Naperville earlier this week. Seriously, if there is a tea shop in walking distance, I'm there!
I had been wanting to try the sweet potato pie since the last time I had been there and had a feeling that was going to be a seasonal treat. So I scooped up a bag...should have scooped up three more.

This is a dazzling close up of the sweet potato pie tea and it is so delicious in the most peculiar way. It is a starchy Ceylon black tea. It contains hints of marigold leaves, cinnamon bark, and natural sweet potato flavour. I just can't believe how delicious it becomes when used in concoction- with MARSHMALLOWS!
I find that adding 'mallows is the BEST way to go about drinking this tea.
It literally tastes like a Thanksgiving accompaniment in a cup.
A lot of people have unfavourable things to say about it, however, I don't need my tea to be overwhelmingly sweet. It is perfect for this time of year. I wouldn't necessarily steep this sucker in the summer. Was
Tights: both pairs, Forever 21 Skirt: Gap, thirfted BRAND NEW! Originally $50, scored for $5
Sweater: given to me by my mom (so soft!) Boots: Doc Martens-1940's Jacket: Forever 21
I felt the whole thing was very good-felt very 90's.
and the best part was that I enjoyed wearing this outfit immensely.
Especially the skirt! What a remarkable find.
Of course, another huge thing happened this week.
Please tell me you got your copy?
I am over the moon about it.
I will talk about it more at length, but it is worthy of it's own little post.
Stay tuned!!
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