It has been awhile since I have written.
I can blame finals for that.
I devoted the weekend/monday/tuesday to feverishly studying.
My biggest concern was my math exam. Business math that is.
It makes a world of difference what kind of math it is.
(I actually passed this final and got a B in the class)! <--groundbreaking.
I have a really shaky history with mathematics, but algebra more so than any other math.
I have gotten D's and failed math classes MY WHOLE LIFE.
(and I get good grades in everything else! I just lack math/science)
Except when I got to Geometry where I got a B with ease.
But once I had to go to college I had to retake this god damn algebra.
I took the first part of the math series which is 16 weeks called 0481.
I passed this class easily with a C.
Whatever. I didn't want anything to do with math so I took a semester off from it.
(so I forgot everything of course)
Then I had to finish up it's ugly little counterpart 0482.
This class was a load of bullshit. People fail this class 2-3 times AT LEAST!
Most people have to keep paying the most expensive course fee at the school
It a made to fail course and every teacher there knows it.
(and yes, I have personally yelled at the head of the math department)
So then I jumped around the requirement and got to take business math instead.
This means I had to change my major (from arts or whatever) to general studies.
This is actually perfect.
I have the best major (if that's what we're calling it)...
When people ask me what I study, my answer is literally without saying;
"I'm basically just studying a bunch of random shit."
I'm all over the place--no one really knows what I'm doing.
I'll enjoy the mystery too, because...I don't know either!
It's good though.
I'm good with just working and having my focus elsewhere for a period of time.
I have a feeling I will get that academic need and take a few classes randomly in the future.
I just hope I did well this semester!
Another fabulous thing happened yesterday (besides school being over)
I saw Metric! I love this band so much.
Video One: "Twilight Galaxy" Live. (acoustic)
Video Two: Favourite Metric song #1
Video Three : Favourite Metric song #2
Eric turned me on to them a few months ago.
We were supposed to go see them in Atlanta over the Thanksgiving break I got sick for.
Since we did not go, I felt bad we couldn't make the concert
and bought tickets for the Chicago show.
I find out one of my good friends (Cady) was going to the same show I was.
Due to Eric's work, he met us up at Cubby Bear (the venue).
We were also with Cady's friend, Anna.
So the doors open at 8pm and it says concert starts at 9.
(this was posted on tickets and websites)
So we get drinks and we start waiting...and waiting...and waiting.
So 10:30 rolls around--no Metric.
People kind of get pissed, but Eric got really pissed (rightfully so).
It's one of his favourite bands and he turned me on to them.
He starts to fret because he had to work early this morning and
had to still get home after the show had already been 1.5 hours late.
He asks someone that worked there what time it started.
was the answer he got back.
He walks back and said there was no way he could stay.
I was extremely bummed. We would have to wait another two hours to see them.
But Cady, Anna, and I braved it out.
Let me tell you, it was the worst seeing him go. I knew exactly how he was feeling.
I wanted him to have a great time, I wanted him to see his favourite band.
It just sucks that he didn't get to.
I understand though. His job is really important! :)
So after he left and we had all this time to kill we got some food in the restaurant portion.
But keep in mind--people were PISSED.
Many people left and everyone thought it started at 9.
How do you have a midnight concert on a Wednesday night?
The concert started up around 12:15am.
We were SO excited at this point.
They were great.
They opened with Twilight Galaxy.
I would love to see them again in a bigger venue.
and I would like to see them with Eric! (wasn't the same without him)
We actually ended up snagging a good spot on the side stage area.
I got a few pictures as well!

So now that all that excitement is over...I've got work tomorrow and Saturday.
I'm seeing the Nutcracker with Eric's mom on Saturday.
That should be good, I'm looking forward to it.
I just hope work tomorrow doesn't go too late.
Hopefully before midnight.
All in all...
I hope everyone has had a great week! :)
I know what you mean, midnight was SO late! But I came from the HOB Twisted show.. Metric's show was the Twisted AFTER-show party. So that explains why it had to start so late. I think the whole point was to get Q101 fans in to see Metric (we only paid $5 to get in Cubby Bear with the Twisted ticket stub). Anyway, just wanted to help clarify.. great show though!!
Well, I wouldn't have had a problem at all if I knew that the show started at midnight. The time on the ticket, Metric/Cubby Bear/Ticketmaster's site all said it started at nine. This was really misleading. I knew it was an after party, but it also seems like Cubby Bear wanted to make money off the people who would sit there and booze. However, it was worth the wait and Metric kicked ass. I didn't expect anything less!
That's cool you found my blog :) Thanks for your comment!
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