I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving!
I did. It was exactly what I wanted--Intimate with a splash of loudness & memories.
Eric and I had dinner at this parents and it was great because
most of the dishes were vegetarian.
This made things easy. I hate making a fuss.
It's a big bonus when it's accommodated for, especially on a big food day like Thanksgiving.
It was odd--my parents didn't do anything fancy for Thanksgiving.
It was the first year there was nothing planned.
So after we had dinner we scooped up Meredith and headed over to one of our
best friends houses.
We hadn't seen Erin in a good 2+ years. We had great catchup time & got a lot of laughs.
Her whole family was there so it was buzzing with a good holiday spirit.
(Which I'm a huge fan of)
I've been close to that family for a long time & it's always good to see them.
I am also glad I brought Eric over (and I'm grateful that he came with!)
It's important to me for him to know my friends.
I know that's a tad annoying, but different friends bring out different sides.
I guess its like he meets my friends and a different side of me.
That's not so bad.
So basically leading up to and after all this Thanksgiving hoopla we just took it easy.
Eric got an Xbox which allocated a large amount of time in front of the TV.

I really had no complaints about this. The thing that sucks is that I suck at this game.
I'm getting better though, I have to admit.
But I have a long way to go on this. The most I could get out of 50 was 30 something.
OH well. We also played some Puzzle Fighter HD & some old school Paperboy.
We got Season 4 of How I Met Your Mother.
Someone told me this is our generation of 'Friends'.
It is and I really like it. We watched a lot of it.
New episode on tomorrow :)
Gosh what a relaxing week.
I do not want to go back to reality of school, work, and just daily life.
This past week was like a well needed vacation in a very familiar environment.
No doubt- it would have been GREAT to get away, but I needed the rest.
I was thankful for the similarity. No one likes to be sick someplace new.
Right?? I just like being in the comfort of things I know when my heads all iffy.
I made some good purchases. Friday I was feeling a tad bit better.
Eric and I slept in till 12:30pm and made fun of all the people who got up at 4 am.
We hate big crowds anywhere.
Let alone the thought of people trying to fight them at crazy hours in the morning.
You know I used to be able to get right up at all hours of the morning.
Now I really enjoy getting up late.
Although the earlier you get up the more you accomplish.
I needed to make a trip to Oakbrook.
I didn't enjoy the thought of going to a huge shopping center on Black Friday but...
I was reading Allure the night before (ha ha rhyme!) ;) and...
I saw this beauty in an ad;

A huge makeup kit at Sephora for only $48. It's a "$400" value. I don't know if that is true..
but I can't see anyone plowing through this kit immediately
...unless you do makeup for a living.
It includes eyeshadow, lip gloss, blush, lip liner, eye liner, and brushes.
It's just too good. Plus it's all organized in perfect little color families.
Makes it easier for blending.
It feels like I'm a 2 year old that got a makeup kit.
I'm so excited about it and just want to use everything.
Don't worry--I don't think it looks like a 2 year old applied it ;)
I always liked unique eye makeup
this gives me the perfect excuse to do it more often.
This thing is so cheap! Get it if you have the spare cash!
I also made a stop into Lush where I got

I'm always curious about moisturizer.
I never use it but I always feel like my skin could be better.
However--I breakout easily when it comes to face products.
This is made with lavender, orange flowers, and tiger lilies.
Among other things...
All natural things get me going. Plus it's not tested on animals.
I like how soft my skin is, but am not sure how the pores are taking to it.
A few more days shall reveal its true self.
Although I am dying to get back to lush to get this;
The best hand cream ever.
Unfortunately I have to get back to real life.
School tomorrow. I do not think I have work.
I hope I do not have it.
However, I look forward to going back Tuesday.
I just have a lot I want to do tomorrow.
Sorry for the long post.
I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing week and Thanksgiving!